PRíSPEVKY DO CASOPISU OZANAM koprivova.tea@gmail.com
+421911 352 331 prezidentka
+421 2 43425794 Dom nádeje
+421911 432 922 STACIONÁR
Doména registrovaná 31.07.2015
Libuša Mihaliková - administrátor
Alžbeta Kopřivová - editor
Mgr. Ing. Libuša Miháliková
President of SVdP
P. Mykola Dobra, CM SVdP sine 01.10.2022
Spiritualist, Administrator and Coordinator
P. Milan Grossmann, CM
Spiritualist, Administrator and Coordinator
SVdP since 01.09.2018
SVDP-obnova-sept-2020.docx (17039)
2020-09-05 14.13.04.jpg (505650)
2019_okt-SVdP-Frederikova_modlitba_v_Lorete.docx (63307)
Sv.Vincent de Paul
Patron of SVdP
Frederik Ozanam
Founder of SVdP
P. Tomáš Brezáni, CM
Spiritualist, Animator and Coordinator
SVdP since 01.09.2016 till 30.08.2018
List k ukončeniu služby v SVdP.docx (18529)
P.Tomáš príhovor .png (113977)
Plénum SVdP - 2018.docx (21800)
List KONFERENCIE.docx (160407)
Frederik Ozanam a 150 rokov konferencií sv – kópia.docx (32374)
Renato LIMA General President of SVdP 2016 - 2022
P. Tomaž MAVRIČ, C.M.,
General Superior of SVdP Mission,
Daughters of Christial Love and of the whole Vincent family
24th successor of St. Vincent de Paul
Contributions from Projects of:
Welcome to web sites of Society of the St Vincent de Paul in Slovakia
Our society offers you information on providing services to destitute, about the life of conferences of the Society, about our projects and about social service homes in Bratislava and in Šurany. It is our pleasure to provide you with actual information also in our magazine OZANAM, issued quarterly in electronic version. You can find us on our address: Dom nádeje, Tomášikova 8A, 821 03 Bratislava - Ružinov +421 2 43425794, Slovakia
Spolok sv. Vincenta de Paul na Slovensku, o.z.
Dom nádeje, Tomášikova 8A, 821 03 Bratislava, č.t. +4212/43425794, +421911 352 331
Identification number (IČO) 34074431, Tax identification number (DIČ) 2020997858 Mgr. Ing. Miháliková Libuša
Dear Sir/Madam,
Our Society of St Vincent de Paul in Slovakia, helps poor families, homeless people, people from foster homes, ex-prisoners and old-age pensioners. The Society has 24 teams (conferences) in Slovakia that usually have 5 to 7 members who are all volunteers.
Conferences provide the following services:
- * help for poor families (clothing, school supplies, school lunches, fares, foodstuff, wood for heating, financial support in Eastern and Christmas time)
- * help for ill and lonely persons in hospitals, retirements homes and foster homes,
* school works (amateur clubs, lectures, educational activities, summer camps, financial support to poor children, etc.)
- * help in the adaptation of children from foster houses to independent living (lectures in cooking, sewing, social behaviour, spiritual help, etc.).
- * help to poor gipsies, evangelization of gipsy children
- * assistance to missions (medical material, drugs, used postage stamps, etc.)
Our Society also operates a House of Hope that provides social services for girls from foster homes and a Social Center in Šurany which provides social services to homeless people.
Unfortunately, our income is considerably less than the real need of poor people in our town. The situation is even more difficult nowadays when due to Coronavirus many families lost their income as many companies bankrupted while the other ones dismiss people in order to survive.
We would like to invite you to visit our Society so that we could introduce you to our voluntary workers as well as to share our experience of how we work with poor people from our town. We would also like to hear how you solve similar problems. We are sure we would learn from you a lot and your advice would help us to make our work more effectively so that we could provide assistance to more people. If you prefer, due to Coronavirus, we would also gladly arrange a video conference with you at a time that suits you.
In case you would decide to support us by your kind donation, a bank account of our Society of St Vincent de Paul in Slovakia is
SK17 0200 0000 0000 8493 2162 (SWIFT: SUBASKBX)
In case your organization does not provide material and financial help to people in need, may I ask you to kindly send us email contacts to such organizations from your city/country that you personally know.
Thank you very much!
In Bratislava, September 24, 2020
Mgr. Ing. Libuša Miháliková
Society of St Vincent de Paul, Slovakia
For phone communication please contact Ján Kukučka +421 905 705 356 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Let me talk to you in a situation that prevents us to meet in person. It was not possible to organize general, spiritual, nor whole-Slovak meetings that we all miss so much. Unfortunately, we must admit this reality. In spite of that, I would like to encourage all of you to join ourselves in spirit within our prayers and to think of each other. Let us pray let gracious Lord blesses, defends, strengthen and leads us in this difficult period. Obviously, we also are thinking of our miserable, poor and lonely. Let us pray for power and endurance in our resolutions and mission, so that minimum of people feels lonely, abandoned and helpless. Many of us are asking how will it be in the future.
Do not let us lose our faith and belief in God, let us always have the courage to follow Christ, as he is a path, truth and life. Let us offer a helpful hand at all places where it is required, let us encourage each other, our closest and ourselves by our prayer.
I would like to inform you that the House of Hope in Bratislava keeps providing a daycare centre although there are numerous measurements issued by ministries, that has been changing day by day and that permanent testing of our employees was required. It is a personal exam of humbleness, obedience and true knowledge of ourselves for each of us. We live at a time full of doubts and restrictions. But we know that we are not alone, we believe in Divine Providence and we know that we will meet again after forced disconnection.
Let us also join announcements of our Church, like Friday feast for pandemic diversion, blessed rosary prayers in the basilica in Sastin at feet of seven-pains Virgin Mary, or various activities for pandemic diversion broadcasted by TV LUX or by radio Lumen.
Christmas is coming, we enjoy advent – a time of waiting to God’s Son birth. Let us prepare well and impetrate for us mercy to the dignified glorification of Jesus’s birth in our families.
Yours Sister Libuša Mihalikova
Advent 2020 Lettre
Jesus’s Face – Face of the Lord And of the Whole Mankind
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Let mercy and peace of Jesus Christ be always with us!
The year 2020, that is characterized by so much sufferance, anxiety, fear and by the prognosis of the huge increase of poverty on the whole of the world especially due to COVID-19, is coming to its end. A horizon of New Year of 2021 is opening against us.
In this period of poverty, like in all moments of our life in which we face the suffering of various intensity, there is somebody who lives in us and a spirit of whom fills up each corner of our existence. He stays with us all the time wherever we go, whatever we do, and he is ready to manifest himself in case we allow him to do so. He has always been ready to pour hope everywhere where is no more hope, pour peace at that place where is no peace at all, pour content at that place where is no more content, pour belief at that place where our soul limps and pour love at that place where hate is usurping us. His name is Jesus.
We know that person of Jesus is within the core of the identity of Vincent de Paul, as a mystic of love, within a heart of Vincent’ spirituality and charisma. Jesus is a reason for our being and he is also a person, whose way of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting is becoming a goal of our life, so his closeness to suffering people is an example of Vincent’s way of life also for those who follow him. Vincent never diverts his face from painful situations, nor from injured people as he saw Jesus in poor people and poor people in Jesus:
„I must not judge a poor peasant by his appearance, nor by his way of thinking, as he often may not have a gesture or spirit of rational people, he is so uncouth and earth-bred. But turn the medal and you will see in a light of faith that all these poor people represent God’s Son to us, who wanted to be poor … To read the whole wording of the letter please refer to NEWSREEL section (only available in Slovak version).
SPIRITUAL RECOLLECTION OF SOCIETY OF St VINCENT de PAUL, September 5, 2020, in the House of Hope, Tomášikova 8A, Bratislava:
For more information click: duch.obnova (1).docx (28844)
prepared by father Milan Grossmann and father Jozef Garaj
National Council of Society of St Vincent de Paul
Crisis plan:
Príloha_č._1_-Krízový plán hlavička.doc (59904)
Slovak Meeting and Presidential election of SVdP
October 12, 2019
- 14 deputies of conferences voted for candidates Libuša Miháliková and Mário Stehlík. Libuša received 12 voices and Mário 2 voicesV Bratislave 12.10.2019 Mário Stehlík, Secterary of SVdP
Mgr. Ing. Libuša Mihalikova
to her repeated choosing to the position of President for the third 5-years voting period. Let us wish Libuša good health, patience, wisdom and charism of St Vincent. Let us thank her for her actual hard work in this position, Lord let blesses her,
National Council SVdP
Leták.docx (249087)
On January 29, 2018 was organized a Formation Meeting on the occasion of jebilee year of 400th anniversary of Vincent nailsance charisma in Valentinium of Bratislava under the St. Vincenta de Paul church. For more information please read OZANAM 1 2018.